Menu: Crocodile meat and a peace of heaven

IMG_3425It was finally time to turn the calendar page and see the 7th of January appear! We have waited for so long to bring our parents to see the continent that we love so much. We really hoped that things would turn out as planned and that they would enjoy the trip. So far, it has been everything we expected and much, much more…

It all started with a long flight from Scandinavia to Jo’Burg. After we picked up our cars, we had a small drive to a secret location outside the city. Following a dive into the pool and the wonderful feeling of the sun on our white Scandinavian skin, it was time to visit the restaurant Carnivores, where the menu included crocodile, kudu, impalas and other African mammals. Good to know what the animals taste like before you go on safari to see them…

The next day we drove to Kruger National Park, where we had rented a house just outside the park. The house was fantastic, with a terrace and a pool overlooking theCrocodile River and the Kruger National Park. From the terrace (or pool) we saw hippos, elephants, waterbucks and impalas while sipping local white wine, – it does not get much better than this…

Even though we could see a lot of animals from the comfortable chairs on our terrace, we wanted more and had booked a 3 days safari (2 half days and a full day) in an open safari vehicle with a local guide (Johan). Johan made, with his fantastic spirit and knowledge, the safari to an unforgettable experience. This was of course only enhanced by a second to none wild life spotting, including several lion prides, cheetahs, leopard, rhinos and of course tons of elephants, giraffes, zebras, antelopes etc. We think that it is safe to say that all of us had an experience to remember for the rest of our lives.

With a backpack full of memories, we will now leave our fantastic house and the Kruger National Park in exchange for an adventure in Namibia. But first we need to drive 1,700 Ks across South Africa – it is going to be a long trip…

Please see the fantastic photos from our safari for a taste of Africa!

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